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Location Tracking
Updated over a week ago

Q: Does PunchAlert track my location?

A: PunchAlert will track your location during an active emergency, when you open the PunchAlert app, and if you are in an organization's geofence. Again, it is for your safety, that responders know where you are during the emergency.

REMEMBER location tracking is only during an active emergency, you have opened PunchAlert, and you are in the organization's geofence.

Q: Should I log out of PunchAlert or leave it running in the background?

A: It is suggested that you log in to PunchAlert and don’t log out. Just leave it running in the background. PunchAlert will not track your location or use data except during an active emergency if you are in the geofence and you have opened PunchAlert.

Will this affect my battery? Not unless you have an active emergency, have opened the app, and are in the geofence. At this point, it will be tracking your location for your safety and will use your battery. We constantly monitor your battery during the emergency. If it should hit 30 percent, we pause location tracking unless a significant change in locatin occurs.

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